Ad Serving Policy
Last updated, May 2024

TikTok may, at its’ sole discretion, update this Ad Serving Policy from time to time. We will provide notice of any material changes to this Policy, and any changes to this Policy will not apply retroactively. If you do not agree to be bound by the changes, you shall immediately cease related advertising activities. You further agree that if you continue to use and/or access the services after being notified of such changes to the Policy, such use and/or access shall constitute acceptance of–and agreement to–such changes.

Bidding Rules:

  1. ​No matter what billing currency is applied for payments under the Agreement, bidding on the TikTok for Business Platform ("Platform") will be ranked by default in US Dollar while bidding on ByteDance China Ads platform (抖音) will be ranked by default in RMB. In the case of ByteDance Overseas AD platform, the conversion of non-US Dollar billing currency into US Dollar for the purpose of bidding will take place automatically pursuant to the real time exchange rate announced by the website designated by Media Company. For ByteDance China ADS platform, the conversion of non-RMB billing currency into RMB for the purpose of bidding will be made based on the exchange rate announced by the website designated by TikTok. The conversion rules shall be applied by TikTok.

Reservation Ads Collaboration:

  1. ​Reservation ads takeover: Advertiser/Agency shall send ad assets to TikTok no less than 10 calendar days in advance for TikTok to proceed with ad review and pre-load tests.

  2. ​In-feed video ad: Advertiser/Agency shall send ad assets to TikTok no less than 5 calendar days in advance for TikTok to proceed with ad review and pre- load tests.

  3. ​Settlement of ad impressions and clicks shall be based on the data generated by Media Company. Advertiser/Agency may authorize a third-party data analytics company to collect statistics relating to IOs. For display advertising, if the data on impressions/clicks differ from TikTok’s data by no more than +/-20% (including 20%), then Media Company’s data shall be final and binding. If the difference is determined to be greater than +/-20%, then Advertiser/Agency and TikTok shall conduct a data review process together with the third-party data analytics company and correct the errors, if any. If the data review fails to identify any error (e.g. there is no data gap in Media Company’s records), TikTok’s data shall remain final and binding.

  4. ​For third-party collaboration, Advertiser/Agency should choose among those third-party data analytics companies currently cooperating with TikTok in order to ensure the accuracy of data. Please refer to the “Third Party Tracking Link Instruction” guidebook for more details.

  5. ​After a reservation advertising campaign is closed, TikTok shall provide a data settlement report of standard ads within 14 calendar days.

Reservation Ads Creative:

  1. ​No modification of reservation ad creative assets will be allowed after the asset- delivering deadline.

  2. ​No modification of landing page link will be allowed after the assets have been reviewed by TikTok and the campaign has been launched online.

  3. ​If Advertiser/Agency would like to use certain assets (including, but not limited to popular IP, portraits, music, sticker images, etc.), it should provide the copyright certification of those assets or the authorization document and grant a license of use to TikTok in writing. TikTok will provide an authorization template upon request.

Reservation Order Changes or Cancellation:

  1. Reservation ads IO shall be based on the media plan confirmed by both Parties in writing, including through emails. Once the media plan is confirmed by both Parties, the order will be regarded as successfully placed. Cancellation of–or changes to–the order will require negotiation between both Parties. If Advertiser/Agency suggests canceling or changing the order unilaterally, it shall compensate TikTok for the loss according to relevant agreed terms.

  2. Unilateral Withdrawal by Advertiser/Agency

    1. Advertiser/Agency shall pay 50% of the actual ad consumption amount to Media Company if any standard ad order is withdrawn in earlier than 30 (included) to 14 calendar days before the scheduled ad flight date.

    2. Advertiser/Agency shall pay 100% of the actual ad consumption amount to Media Company if any standard ad order is withdrawn in less than 14 calendar days(included) before the scheduled ad flight date.

    3. Advertiser/Agency shall pay 50% of the actual ad consumption amount to Media Company if any non-standard ad order is withdrawn before 30 calendar days of the scheduled ad flight date.

    4. Advertiser/Agency shall pay 100% of the actual ad consumption amount to Media Company if any non-standard ad order is withdrawn in less than 30 calendar days (included) before the scheduled ad flight date.

    5. Advertiser/Agency shall pay 100% of the actual production fee of Reservation Effect to Media Company if any reservation effect order is withdrawn after the production is started with an effect designer signed.

  3. Unilateral Changes by Advertiser/Agency

    1. Advertiser/Agency shall pay 50% of the actual ad consumption amount to Media Company if there is any change to a standard ad order earlier than 14 (included) to 7 calendar days before the scheduled ad flight date. If any unilateral change is made less than 7 calendar days (included), Advertiser/Agency shall pay 100% of the actual ad consumption amount to Media Company.

    2. Advertiser/Agency shall pay 50% of the actual ad consumption amount to Media Company if any change is made to non-standard ad order earlier than 30 (included) to 14 calendar days before the scheduled ad flight date. If any unilateral change is made less than 14 calendar days (included), Advertiser/Agency shall pay 100% of the actual ad consumption amount to Media Company.


  1. ​If any ad fails to be served because Advertiser/Agency fails to deliver ad assets within the agreed timeline, TikTok will not be responsible in such situation and will not make any compensation to Advertiser/Agency. If the ad runs but fails to deliver due to late submission of assets by Advertiser/Agency, TikTok shall not be responsible for any compensation to the Advertiser/Agency. Failure to deliver ad assets within the agreed timeline shall constitute Unilateral Cancellation by Advertiser/Agency.

  2. ​All assets provided by Advertiser/Agency shall conform to the specifications and requirements as set forth in the “TikTok Advertising Policies – Ad Creatives & Landing Page” and the “Ad Specifications” policy. Only assets which meet these conditions will be accepted and be considered to have been delivered.

  3. Advertiser/Agency shall ensure TikTok that anything related to any third-party rights or any intellectual property has already been duly authorized and/or cleared.

  4. ​Third party tracking links are part of the creatives, and Advertiser/Agency should submit them to TikTok along with other campaign creatives. Late submission of third party tracking links can cause data discrepancy.

  5. ​TikTok shall not be responsible for any consequence if the landing page cannot work properly due to reason attributed to Advertiser/Agency. In such situation, Media Company may suspend the ad serving without informing Advertiser/Agency in advance in order to maintain the user experience. In addition, should TikTok become aware of any Advertiser/Agency inserting any universal link into the landing page, Media Company will immediately cease the ad serving without incurring any compensation to Advertiser/Agency.

  6. TikTok will not be responsible in any of the following events: relevant service is terminated/delayed/interrupted or any data loss due to Force Majeure event; any loss or damage caused by Advertiser/Agency employing illegal means to acquire data. Under those circumstances, no compensation will be made by TikTok.

  7. ​If a third-party institution claims compensation for damage based on advertising content, it shall be made clear that Advertiser/Agency is responsible, and the compensation to the third-party shall be made by Advertiser/Agency directly. This term will not apply when the damage is due to acts solely attributable to TikTok.

  8. ​For Topview and Takeover ads, the same creative can not be used for 2 consecutive days. For Topview ads, the same creative cannot be used in any other ad placement on TikTok on the same campaign date.

Make Good:

  1. ​TikTok will provide compensation for impressions in accordance with the policy below if the ad cannot be served due to TikTok.

  2. ​Compensation Policy:

    1. ​For all standard ad products, TikTok will compensate for media value at the quantity rate of 1:1 of the underdelivered portion. Media which delivers at 80% or more to goal shall be considered to have delivered in full; makegoods are not available for campaigns which are considered to have delivered in full.

    2. ​For non-standard ad products, TikTok is unable to support any monitoring nor guarantee impressions. If an advertising event fails to go online properly or issues with ad products emerge after the ad goes online due to reasons on TikTok’s side, the compensation for impressions shall be conducted according to non-standard ad compensation policy. Please contact sales team for more details of the policy. In principle, TikTok will not use standard ads to compensate for non-standard ads.

    3. ​Sponsorships, which are sold at a flat rate, do not guarantee impressions, and makegoods are not available.

    4. ​For managed service orders, errors in delivery which occur due to acts solely attributable to Advertiser/Agency will not be eligible for compensation or makegoods by TikTok.

  3. ​Compensation Time: please contact the sales team.

    1. ​TikTok will provide the media schedule available for compensation within 3 calendar days after the reservation takeover& in-feed ad serving end.

    2. ​For reservation takeover/in-feed video ads, if the order lasts for many days, Media Company will conduct the compensation for impressions after all the ad serving work finishes completely.

    3. ​For reservation takeover/in-feed video ads, if any special emergency happens (e.g. TikTok fails to monitor the impressions due to bugs of ad products), TikTok will conduct the compensation for impressions after the bugs or other problems are fixed.

    4. ​For non-standard advertising cooperation, TikTok will provide options to compensate for impressions within 24 hours if any delivery error occurs.

Territory-Specific Terms for Australia and/or New Zealand

Where ads are placed in Australia and/or New Zealand, the following terms will apply and will vary the Ad Serving Policy accordingly.

  1. Definitions: A "standard ad order" means Reservation/Brand Takeover, TopView and In-Feed Ads, whereas a "non-standard ad order" means all other types of ads (e.g. HTC, Branded Effect). A "special date ad order" means a calendar date with premium rates. The special date ad order terms apply to both standard and non-standard ads. If a "special date" is not announced outside of 60 calendar days prior to the inventory live date, inventory holders will be granted 48 hours grace period to decide, and the Territory Specific Ads Serving Policy terms outlined above will be applied.

  2. ​Reservation Order Changes or Cancellation:

    1. ​ad IO shall be based on the media plan confirmed by both Parties in writing, including through emails. Once the media plan is confirmed by both Parties, the order will be regarded as successfully placed. Cancellation of–or changes to–the order will require negotiation in good faith between both Parties. If Advertiser/Agency suggests cancelling or changing the order unilaterally, it shall compensate TikTok for the loss according to relevant agreed terms.

    2. ​Unilateral Cancellation by Advertiser/Agency

      1. ​Advertiser/Agency shall pay 100% of the actual ad consumption amount to TikTok if any standard ad order is cancelled in less than 14 calendar days (including the day of the scheduled ad flight date).

      2. ​Advertiser/Agency shall pay 100% of the actual ad consumption amount to TikTok if any non-standard ad order is cancelled in less than 30 calendar days (including the day of the scheduled ad flight date).

      3. ​Advertiser/Agency shall pay 100% of the actual ad consumption amount to TikTok if any special date ad order is cancelled in less than 30 calendar days (including the day of the scheduled ad flight date).

    3. ​Advertiser/Agency shall pay 100% of the actual production fee of Reservation Effect to TikTok if any reservation effect order is cancelled after the production is started with an effect designer signed.

  3. ​Unilateral Changes by Advertiser/Agency

    1. Advertiser/Agency shall pay 50% of the actual ad consumption amount to TikTok if there is any change to a standard ad order earlier than 7 calendar days (including the day of the scheduled ad flight date). If any unilateral change is made less than 7 calendar days (including the day of the scheduled ad flight date), Advertiser/A​gency shall pay 100% of the actual ad consumption amount to TikTok.

    2. ​Advertiser/Agency shall pay 50% of the actual ad consumption amount to TikTok if any change is made to a non-standard ad order earlier than 14 calendar days (including the day of the scheduled ad flight date). If any unilateral change is made less than 14 calendar days (including the day of the scheduled ad flight date), Advertiser/Agency shall pay 100% of the actual ad consumption amount to TikTok.

    3. ​Advertiser/Agency shall pay 50% of the actual ad consumption amount to TikTok if any change is made to a special date ad order earlier than 14 calendar days (including the day of the scheduled ad flight date). If any unilateral change is made less than 14 calendar days (including the day of the scheduled ad flight date), Advertiser/Agency shall pay 100% of the actual ad consumption amount to TikTok.
